Automate Blog Newsletters for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement in Minutes

FeedOtter works by pulling your blog content into an email template and pushing that email to a subscriber list in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.

Easily automate Account Engagement blog newsletters that increase your website traffic and give your content its greatest reach.
Automate your editorial curation workflows
Account Engagement remains the central space for all your email sends
Use subscriber preferences to send blog newsletters to different lists
Email performance and link reporting work perfectly
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Automate your Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter

FeedOtter has Automated More Than 101,346 Account Engagement Blog Newsletters

Saving awesome companies countless hours of email creation. Here are a few:

Take advantage of the simplicity of RSS

Automatically load content from any RSS or custom API feed.
Combine multiple feeds into a single Account Engagement blog newsletter
Pull in content from alternative feeds like YouTube, Algolia, UberFlip and more
Smart-Sense automatically knows when new content has been published and ensures old posts are never sent twice
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Connect your RSS feeds and automatically load content in your Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter
Customize your Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter with FeedOtter's built-in templates

Customizable email templates that look great

FeedOtter's templates are regularly updated to keep in line with current best practices for email deliverability and subscriber engagement.
Add your logo and footer branding.
Customize buttons to your company colors & preferred calls-to-action.
Use your company fonts.
Set custom character limits.
Use Account Engagement tokens in custom greeting or footer for further personalization.
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Send your Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter on your schedule

Advanced Scheduling

Send content to subscribers on your schedule.
Set your preferred trigger, cadence, and time zone preferences.
Send weekly or monthly newsletter digests of your newly published blog posts.
Send update emails whenever a blog post is published on your site.
Only send your Account Engagement blog newsletter when a certain number of blog posts have been published.
Collaborate with your team; add a review period that ensures every Account Engagement blog newsletter is approved and signed-off on.
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Easy integration with Account Engagement

Straightforward SSO Marketing Cloud Account Engagement integration that works exactly as you want it to. End-to-end setup takes most marketers less than an hour.
Account Engagement's native email performance and link performance reports work perfectly to show email engagement
FeedOtter's send history notifies you when an email is automated and provides one-click access to your Account Engagement blog newsletters.
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Seamless integration with Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter performance

Track website performance with Google Analytics

Customizable UTM parameters are added to each blog post link so that
your analytics can correctly report:
How much website traffic is generated from email subscribers.
How the email channel affects conversion goals like trial starts or demo requests.
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Notifications keep you in the loop

There's no need to schedule a time to check everything is running correctly. FeedOtter will notify you be email if:
A successful automated email is sent.
There's a problem blocking your email from going out.
An email was skipped because there was no new content.
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FeedOtter notifies you with every Marketing Cloud Account Engagementblog newsletter created
Curate your Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter with more editorial control

Add curated content for special newsletters

For specific updates or large newsletters, curate content from various sources around the Internet into a single Account Engagement blog newsletter.
Cherry-pick which of your recent content you'd like to prioritize.
Add special custom elements such as introduction text and headings.
Add relevant industry content from non-company blogs.
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What Do Our Customers Send?

Actual blog newsletters automated by our awesome customers!
Beautiful Marketing Cloud Account Engagement blog newsletter examples sent from FeedOtter